How To Greatly Increase the Efficiency of Your Restaurant
The restaurant sector has seen swift advancements over the years. From the convenience of placing orders online to the ease of contactless transactions, it feels like new improvements are introduced daily. Yet, despite these technological advances, nothing can substitute for fundamental efficiency. For a restaurant to thrive, it must operate smoothly. Therefore, if you’re facing challenges with efficiency, here’s a guide on significantly boosting your restaurant’s performance.
Create Strict Guidelines
In order to increase efficiency, you must have a clear set of guidelines. These rules should be given to every position in the restaurant, including hosts, servers, bartenders, back of house, and management. Since you’re running a restaurant, you’ll want to focus on food preparation. Be sure to do your due diligence in terms of health guidelines. If you’re serving meat, there should be strict temperatures for readiness. Ensure that your storage is safe and well-labeled. No matter what, everyone should adhere to FIFO (first in, first out). It’s also vital to enforce personal hygiene. Back of house should be wearing gloves whenever food is touched. If someone has long hair, it should be up or in a hairnet. Employees must engage in handwashing after using the bathroom. Once you’ve created these essential guidelines, you can create aesthetic rules for the kitchen. Try to promote uniformity with all of your meals. Since you’re probably not working with a freelance group like the Reef ghost kitchen, this communication should be simple to achieve. Next, consider the front of the house. If there’s specific information that customers should know, be sure to create a greeting framework for your servers. If you want to use sections, make sure the hosts know who’s going where. The more structure in a restaurant, the better.
Form a Cohesive Team
Having a cohesive team is vital for increasing efficiency. Unless everyone works well off each other, you’re likely to experience delays and even contention. Start by creating a friendly work environment. Employees should never be pitted against each other or made to feel lesser than. If you have a free day, consider setting up a team hang out. In general, do whatever you can to minimize drama. It’s also important to know what you’re looking for in employees. Sure, a lot of people can serve and cook. However, many of these people won’t fit in your restaurant culture. When this is the case, although it may be hard, you need to consider letting the employee go. Be kind but clear on your expectations. If someone is slacking, don’t allow the behavior to continue for long. Next, encourage employees to help each other during shifts. If someone’s table needs to be bussed, another server can do it. If the host is elsewhere, another employee may fill the role. Instead of groaning about this, your employees should be happy to help each other. Finally, be sure to strengthen your communication at all ends. When someone has a suggestion for fellow workers, that person should feel free to share it. You may want to hold meetings specifically for this purpose.
Creating an efficient workplace is essential for any local restaurant. So, instead of focusing on technological upgrades, be sure to create a strong foundation for your establishment.