How To Cool Down Charcoal Grill
How To Cool Down Charcoal Grill
How To Cool Down Charcoal Grill? Since the beginning of the BBQ, the charcoal grill has had an unchanged legacy. It’s a fact that there is no other way to grill like you can on a charcoal grill. Even though the modern world has introduced more efficient grills, the smoky charcoal scent you get by cooking the food on burning charcoals is always missing.
So the real BBQ foodies always prefer to grill using a charcoal grill. Else they would not eat with interest. The food tastes average when cooked on a gas or electric grill, but it turns extraordinary when using a charcoal grill.
So with so much value, these grills are in high demand. People, especially newbies, skim through the internet to find details to operate the charcoal grill as simple as cooking down the charcoal grill. So here in this article, we have gathered all the things you need to know about operating charcoal grills, so you must give it a read.
An Intro To The Charcoal Grills
Although most of you have seen a charcoal grill in your life, still we will die into the intro of charcoal grills and their working mechanism. A charcoal grill is the most traditional tool that helps you to grill the food at its finest tastes.
It consists of a grill placed on the top, and below the grill is the compartment that carries burning coals to provide enough heat to grill food. So, in short, a charcoal grill contains all the components you can expect from a standard grill, while the only difference is the fuel that provides heat to the grill.
The coals used in a charcoal grill are useful for generating heat; they play a vital part in enhancing the flavour of the food by giving it a smoky touch.
Starting Up A Charcoal Grill
No doubt, the charcoal grill offers great features, but you would have to struggle while lighting up the charcoals as there are no direct burners that could burn the charcoals. So, roll your sleeves and get ready to turn your hands messy for the task.
But before you start, here are some things to know to make the task easier.
- Always ensure that the coals are dry and ready to burn, don’t use wet coals or the ones kept in moisture for a long time. Remember, the dryness of coals is directly proportional to the convenience of burning them.
- You can use fire starters to light up the charcoals. For this, you would have to gather enough briquettes and pile them to start the fire. It will assist a lot in burning the coals.
- Another technique to start the fire is by using liquid flued. All you have to do is pour the flued onto the coals evenly and make sure they have absorbed the flued. Afterwards, light them, and the flame will burn high.
Building The Perfect Fire Take For A Charcoal Grill To Heat Up
Before you can stress over keeping up with the fire, you’ll need to kick it off. To start with, open the vents so the fire will have enough oxygen to consume. When the fire is lit, you can change them further to keep up with the temperature you need. The more extensive the vents are, the more sizzling your fire will be.
Pick which kind of coal you might want to consume. Charcoal briquettes are not difficult to track down, modest, and give consistent, even hotness. Irregular charcoal will furnish you with a more sizzling, cleaner fire, yet, the coals will wear out more. Whichever type you pick, ensure it’s a great brand. Modest charcoal will convey conflicting outcomes.
Then, light the coals. You could involve a smokestack starter for this progression, as this dispenses with the need for lighter liquid. To do this, place a sheet or two of folded paper in the lower part of the fireplace, sitting underneath the wire rack. Fill the fireplace with coals and remove the top mesh from the barbecue. Set the stack in the foundation of the barbecue and use a stick lighter or long match to set the paper on fire.
After around 25 minutes, the coals ought to be covered in a meagre layer of gleaming debris. Wearing heatproof barbecue gloves, take the fireplace by the handle and empty the hot coals into the cooking chamber before supplanting the top barbecue rack.
Longevity Of Heat Of A Charcoal Grill
An assembled fire should remain hot to cook for 30-40 minutes. Assuming that you intend to continue to cook past this point, you’ll need to enrol one of the accompanying methods to keep up with the barbecuing temperature.
How To Cool Down The Grill
After you are done with grilling, it’s vital to cool down the grill not to hurt someone who might accidentally touch it. There is a different way to cool down a charcoal grill.
You can throw water on the grill that will instantly cool down the charcoals. This technique is best for charcoal grills as no burners might get damaged from water. However, you would have to clean a lot of mess if you cool the grill using water.
If you are not considering the option of throwing water on the grill and like to do it in the standard way, then follow the steps below:
Step 1: pull the grill grates and take the grates filled with burning coals to a safer place. Break down the coals into smaller pieces so that they can cool down swiftly.
Step 2: Close the lid of the charcoal grill and slide the vent close to block the oxygen from going into the grill. It will shut off the coals in less time.
Step 3: Open the lid after 10 minutes and spray water on the coals to make sure that they are cool.
Charcoal grills are fun to use if you know the right way to operate them. The essential thing to remember is how to light up the grill and what to do after you are done with grilling. As there are no regulators to turn off the flames, you have to do it manually. Otherwise, there is no better way to grill food than a charcoal grill.